Every Sin is a sign of Stupidity

Every Sin is a sign of Stupidity

Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat Thanwi (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) said:

“Every sin is a sign of stupidity and foolishness.“
Anyone who commits sin, then this is a sign that there is some deficiency in his intellect. He is disobeying such a Being in whose hands is our life and death, our health and sickness, peace and comfort, good and evil end. If his intellect was sound he would never commit sin. As for the one who casts evil glances, Hazrat says that he is extremely foolish. By casting glances he attains nothing other than restlessness in his heart. By looking at a beauty, one never attains him/her, rather one gets uneasiness and the heart becomes restless when one remembers him/her.

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