(1)The company of a good friend is like an owner of musk; if you don’t buy a
 anything, you will get the smell of it.
The company of a bad friend is like the blacksmith’s bellows; if you are not
affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke. Prophet Muhammed (saw)

(2)Everyone who is taken by death asks for more time, while everyone who still has time makes excuses for procrastination. –Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA

(3)Everyone who is being overtaken by death asks for more time.
While everyone who still has time make excuses for procrastination. Ali RA

(4)Knowledge is my companion, it is with me wherever I go. My heart is its container, not the bookshelf. –Ali RA

(5)Indeed the whole world is imagination. Only He [Allah] is the real in Reality. Whoever understands this knows the secrets of the spiritual path. –Ibn Arabi

(6)A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you then a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah. –Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah

(7)‘Ilm (knowledge) without ‘aql (intelligence) is like having shoes with no feet. And ‘Aql without ‘ilm is like having feet with no shoes. –Ali RA

(8)Let love be selfless/and truth fearless;/Let our breasts be flooded with light–/Make our hearts clear as crystal. –Muhammad Iqbal

(9)Your true friend is the one who participates in your efforts and for the sake of your gain, is prepared to suffer losses. –Ali RA (SO TRUE!)

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