The Grave Is Calling !

AsSalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu::

The Grave Is Calling...!
Listen Very Very Carefully!Oh Son Of Adam:
I Remembered You Again Today....
Did U Remember Me??

I Am Full Of Darkness--So Bring With You The Light Of Salaat.

I Am A Place Of Fear--So Bring With You The Peace Of Tilawat-E-Quran.

I Am Full Of Snakes And Scorpions--So Bring With You The Sunnah Of Our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W).

I Am Full Of Fire--So Bring WithYou The Tears Fallen From ALLAH's Fear.

I Am Full Of Punishment--So Bring With You The Reward Of Charity/ Sadaqah.

Don't Forget Me As I Am Eagerly Waiting For Your Arrival ...!

YA ALLAH! Forgive our sins..
Save us from the punishment in the grave and from hell fire...
Guide us and keep us on the right path..
(Ameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen)

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