ALLAH - The Only One God


All praise be to ALLAH alone,
THE Lord of all the worlds,
THE All-Merciful, the Ever Mercy-giving,
THE Master of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.
Guide us on the Straight Path,
The path of whom You have blessed, not of those who incur 
You anger,
Nor of those who go astray.’
(al-Fatihah 1: 1-7)

‘Blessed is He in whose hands is the Kingdom- who is powerful 
over everything- who has created death and life, so that 
He might test you as to which among you [proves that he] 
is good in conduct.’

(al-Mulk 67: 1-2)

‘The Jews say, ‘The Christians have no valid grounds’; the 
Christians say, ‘The Jews have no valid grounds’; and both quote 
the Book [of God]. So do those who have no 
knowledge [of the Book] speak like them. But it is God who 
will decide between them on the Day of Ressurection about 
all on which they differ.’

(al-Baqarah 2: 113)

‘Say: He is ALLAH, the One and Unique;
ALLAH, the Eternal source and support
Of everything;
He begets not, and neither is He begotten;
And none is His equal.’
(al-Ikhlas 112: 1-4)

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