Miswak A Forgotten Sunnah

Miswak A Forgotten Sunnah :
The Messenger Of Allah (PBUH ) Said, `Had I not thought
it difficult for my Ummah. I would have Commanded them to
use the Miswak ( tooth- Stick ) Before Every Salat.
Al-Bukhari and Muslim. 

1. It is Sunnat to use the Miswaak at the time of every Wudhu. (Abu Dawood, Vol. 1, pg 8 (at. Targheeb wat Tarheeb)
2. The sunnat method of holding the Miswaak according to what Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Mas’ood (RA) has narrated is as follows:
Place the small finger of the right hand below the Miswaak. Place the thumb below the head of the Miswaak. The remaining three fingers will be placed above. (Shami-  Vol. 1, pg 85)


  1. we shud memorize our belovd SUNNAH...by our BELOVED PROPHET S.A.W.W

  2. azlan nice post my room is still now not opening that is why i cannot came
