Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die

Ya ALLAH! Don't let us  die, Unless we are true
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless You are satisfied
with us
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless the strength of
our Imaan is what you want it to be
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless our hearts are
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless our families are
happy with us
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless everyone that we
may have hurt have forgiven us
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless Prophet Muhammad
(salallaho alaehe wasallam)
is proud of us
Ya ALLAH Don't let us die, Unless the tears in our
eyes when we cry to You are crystal clear
Ya ALLAH! Don't let us die, Unless we have received
the key to Your Garden of Peace.
Ameen Ya ALLAH

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